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Aims and Objectives
Hungerford 2036 Neighbourhood Development Plan
Aims and Objectives
The draft vision, aims and objectives of the Hungerford 2036 Neighbourhood Plan are summarised below. They are based on the results of the community survey in July 2018, the Hungerford Town Plan (2013) and additional research by the project team. Feedback will now be sought through the widest possible public consultation with the local community to make sure that their views are accurately represented. Additional analysis and work will be undertaken to assess the objectives and available options; these will be added back into the consultation process as they become available. This will then be used to revise and add further detail to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.
The views expressed so far give the opinions of local residents on a wide range of issues which are important to them. Some of these will emerge as policies which have legal standing once the Neighbourhood Plan is adopted, for example, selection of sites for future housing development. Others cannot be directly addressed through the Plan but the clear backing of the community on these issues will guide the actions and spending priorities of the Town Council. With a Neighbourhood Plan in place, the funds available for such priority issues will be boosted by the town receiving 25% of the levy paid by new building developments in Hungerford, rather than 15% at present.
Vision for Hungerford -To be tested against the emerging aims, objectives and planning policies.
Hungerford sits at the heart of the North Wessex Downs AONB and is treasured for being an historic market town set within beautiful and accessible countryside and waterways.
The residents of Hungerford seek to work together to embrace constructive change that ensures a vibrant, robust and sustainable economy that will enhance their prosperity and provide an affordable and nurturing environment for current and future generations.
This should be achieved whilst conserving Hungerford’s natural and manmade heritage and enhancing its strong sense of being a caring community and afulfilling place to live.
Aim of Hungerford’s Neighbourhood Development Plan
The aim of this plan is to make Hungerford an even better place in which to live, work, study and play by adopting a forward looking and sustainable approach to its development.
Theme 1 - Housing
Ensure that new housing in Hungerford meets the needs of current and future generations of residents in a way which complements the character of the town and the countryside surrounding it.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Allocate a small number of development sites to deliver a housing target consistent with the West Berkshire Local Plan, making best use of previously built-on land and minimizing encroachment into the countryside.
- Ensure that new housing developments provide a range of house types, sizes, prices and tenures that meets the needs of all age groups and incomes.
- Seek to ensure through the planning process that new housing complements its neighbourhood whilst embracing high quality design principles and modern energy efficiency standards.
- Support efforts to diversify the building of new homes by, for example, small builders, self-builds and community housing initiatives.
- Support higher densities in appropriate areas to deliver the right homes in the right places.
Theme 2 –Employment and Economy
Support growth in the variety of shops, restaurants and businesses in the town and the employment opportunities which they create. Promote Hungerford as an attractive place to live and work, with good facilities, services and transport links.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Encourage businesses and support initiatives which promote a vibrant high street and increase the range of shops, services and eating places in the town for the benefit of residents, tourists and visitors of all ages. Recognise that Hungerford acts as a service centre providing facilities to neighbouring villages.
- Use employment land efficiently and effectively, encouraging it to be situated in the most suitable locations.
- Promote an increase in the number and quality of employment opportunities within the town.
Theme 3 - Getting About Aim
Seek improvements to Hungerford’s transport infrastructure so that safe, effective sustainable and efficient travel is available and accessible to all.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Seek to improve road safety by considering lower speed limits, junction improvements and possible changes to road layouts.
- Minimise the effects of traffic congestion in the town centre and especially the High Street for the benefit of pedestrians and all road users.
- Ensure that there are enough short and long term parking spaces available in the town and that all new developments provide sufficient off-street parking.
- Require that traffic impacts are given full consideration in all planning decisions and that the cumulative effects of multiple small developments are not ignored.
- Encourage the use of public transport by improving facilities especially at the railway station.
- Encourage walking and cycling in the town.
Theme 4 – The Next Generation
Hungerford should offer young people and children a safe, healthy and nurturing environment in which to develop and mature. This will include a full range of educational services (up to and including 6th form if possible), plenty of leisure and sports activities and employment opportunities for school leavers.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Support the growth and further development of Hungerford schools through the planning process.
- Maintain existing public playgrounds and open spaces to a high standard and look at ways of increasing the range of facilities provided as the town grows.
- Support youth clubs and the junior sections of local sports clubs with practical and financial assistance. Assist in strengthening the links and awareness of these groups within the local schools.
- Work with key businesses in the area to understand the training and employment opportunities available for school leavers.
Theme 5 –Our Heritage
Conserve and, where practicable, enhance Hungerford’s natural and built environment.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- The appearance of the town is important to residents, businesses and tourists alike. The plan will seek solutions to poorly maintained buildings, fouled pavements and untidy streets.
- Protect and enhance the historic environment of the town and district.
- Improve the approaches to the town by road, rail and canal to create favourable first impressions and a soft boundary between the countryside and the town.
- Protect the landscape around Hungerford and support the charities and agencies which are responsible for its conservation.
- Protect biodiversity within and around Hungerford and enhance it where practicable.
Theme 6 – Leisure: Sport and Culture
Develop Hungerford’s thriving sports, arts and social community and protect its green, open spaces.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Support the development of sports, arts, social and leisure facilities, including the widest possible range of activities for young people.
- Protect the town’s existing open spaces and the means of accessing and enjoying them whilst requiring the provision of open space within new housing and commercial developments.
- Encourage a growing range of cultural and community events which appeal to all age groups and help to attract visitors to the town who, in turn, benefit the local economy
Theme 7 –Well Being
Ensure that Hungerford remains a safe, healthy and caring place to live.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Work with the Hungerford Surgery and other local health service providers to ensure that the widest possible range of services is available in the town with enough resources to cope with the current and future needs of residents.
- Support and develop services which assist and encourage people to maintain their own health.
- Further develop the partnership between the community, the Town Council and local police to reduce crime and anti-social behavior.
- Lobby for a visible police presence to be maintained and, if possible, enhanced.
- Work with partners to maintain all public spaces, streets, pavements, playgrounds and other public facilities to the highest standards.
Theme 8 – Climate Change
Hungerford will encourage low carbon development to promote lower energy costs, cleaner air and healthier life styles, contributing to the well-being of current and future generations.
Objectives to achieve this aim:
- Reduce carbon emissions with more energy efficient buildings.
- Identify and designate Local Green Spaces to protect them from development.
- Encourage a shift from a car dependent community to one which embraces the benefits of less polluting means of transport.
- Support proposals for individual and community scale energy generation provided the benefits outweigh any adverse impacts.