01488 686195
Speed Cameras
We have 4 SIDs (Speed Indicator Devices) located around Hungerford which are moved around 7 different locations. These locations have been approved by West Berkshire, the highway authority. There is also a solar panel on one SID, which saves us having to change the battery twice per week. The SID on the Common is there when cattle is grazing and is funded by the Town & Manor. The 7 locations are as follows:
- A4 Eastbound about 50m east of Cottrell Close
- A4 Westbound across the road from Dobbies Garden Centre
- A4 Westbound Charnham Street, 100m west of the BMW garage
- A338 Salisbury Road Northbound, 100m south of Priory Rd
- A338 Salisbury Road Southbound, 200m south of Priory Rd
- Park Street Eastbound on the Common, 150m east of the Down Gate
- Hungerford Road Westbound on the Common, 100m west of Kintbury gate.
- A338 High Street, Northbound
A summary of data collected to date can be viewed here: Summary
There is some technical information and this is explained here: Explanation
More detailed information for some of the sites is shown below. This is generally the most recent data for that site:
A338 Salisbury Road Southbound