Cllr Keith Carlson

Name: Cllr Keith Carlson

Email Address:

Mobile: 07789913194

Position: Deputy Chair Finance & General Purposes Committee

Status: Active

Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Environment & Planning Committee
  • Highways & Transport Committee
  • West Berks Association Of Local Councils
  • Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan Team
  • Christmas Lights

Declaration of Interest Forms

Declaration of interests form CARLSON.pdf


I am a graduate of Reading University, where I read history. I then attended Nottingham Law school where I completed a post-graduate diploma in law and my legal practice certificate. I moved from Nottingham to Reading in 2001, and lived there until Sept this year, when my wife and I moved to Hungerford. I currently work at a national financial advice firm as Chief Operating Officer.

Since moving to Hungerford, I have found the town to be extremely welcoming. I see acting as a councillor as an opportunity to help shape the future, in line with the 2036 Neighbourhood plan to hopefully ensure that the residents continue to enjoy and expand the benefits of living here. I believe I have skills to help support the functioning of the council in delivering its objectives.