Cllr Jerry Keates

Name: Cllr Jerry Keates

Email Address:

Mobile: 07368 539434

Position: Deputy Chair of Environment & Planning Committee

Status: Active

Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Environment & Planning Committee
  • Recreation, Amenities & War Memorials Committee
  • West Berks Association Of Local Councils
  • Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan Team
  • Christmas Lights

Declaration of Interest Forms

Declaration of interests form KEATES.pdf


My wife and I have lived in Hungerford for 5 years and chose our charming town based on the many benefits it brings its residence and visitors.

I have been retired for 3 years and my wife and I enjoy sailing during the summer months and supporting local events whenever possible.

Having benefitted from living in glorious Hungerford I would really like the opportunity to put something back into the community and work alongside the other hard working people who have carried the burden thus far.

I feel passionately about both preserving the town, future proofing all of its amazing benefits whilst moving forward with key projects in a caring and collaborative way.