01488 686195
Cllr Richard Hudson
Cllr Richard Hudson
Name: Cllr Richard Hudson
Email Address: cllr.richard.hudson@hungerford-tc.gov.uk
Mobile: 07710 237749
Position: Chair of Neighbourhood Plan
Status: Active
Sub-committees & Responsibilities
- Highways & Transport Committee
- Environment & Planning Committee
- West Berks Association Of Local Councils
- Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan Team
Declaration of Interest Forms
Declaration of interests form HUDSON.pdf
Councillor since 2002!
It has been a few years now and it seems just part of my life. Most Monday evenings popping along for a meeting, either the Full Council, Planning or Transport. My background is a professional transport planner, so I have mainly aimed to assist with planning and transport related matters. The council is a friendly team; we have a great set up with an office and a Clerk to help. I was chair of the Highways and Transport Committee for several years, but I tend to take more of a back seat these days. This year I have been organising the Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs), which help to slow traffic. I have also been working on the Neighbourhood Plan and recently became chairman which takes up quite a bit of time. Planning and housing are major issues for the town so it’s important that we try and protect it and the Area of Outstanding Beauty around us.
I’d recommend being a councillor if you are interested in your community and you really can make a difference. Key achievements that I’ve been heavily involved in include the pedestrian bridge over the canal, the SIDs and Neighbourhood Plan. Don’t be scared off by the process and formality as you soon get used to it.