01488 686195
Cllr Helen Simpson
Cllr Helen Simpson
Name: Cllr Helen Simpson
Email Address: cllr.helen.simpson@hungerford-tc.gov.uk
Mobile: 07920 110380
Position: Mayor and Chair of Recreation, Amenities & War Memorials
Status: Active
Sub-committees & Responsibilities
- Recreation, Amenities & War Memorials Committee
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Staff Sub Committee
- Royal British Legion
- Town & Manor
- Hungerford & Camburn Educational Trust
- Hungerford Twinning
- West Berks Association Of Local Councils
- Environment & Planning Committee
- Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan Team
- Chamber Of Commerce
- Highways & Transport Committee
- Youth Council (Working Party)
Declaration of Interest Forms
Declaration of interests form SIMPSON.pdf
As the current Hungerford Mayor, serving my 7th term, I feel privileged to serve Hungerford’s wonderful community. As ex officio on all committees, I try to attend as many meetings as possible, gaining a full insight and becoming fully informed on all tasks. Opening the conversation 9 as well as being chair of the council, I also chair the Recreations and Amenities (R&A) committee. R&A look after the town’s parks, cemetery, war memorials, community gardens and open spaces. Hungerford’s Skatepark has been one of the largest projects HTC has delivered. I am so proud of the project and what it means to our young (and not so young) community. We really enjoyed talking to the youth within our community, engaging them in our plans and receiving a very knowledgeable wish list of equipment. This year we completed the project by renewing the fencing around the park as well as reinforcing the high traffic areas. HTC recently met with the contactor to review the park; everyone present agreed the park is something Hungerford should be proud of.
There have been lots of events to support over the last year. I would like to thank all those who took part in the Hungerford in Bloom Competition and for attending the annual Award Ceremony. What an incredible achievement on their behalf and so wonderful to see all their creative gardens, courtyards and containers. It was also an honour to present awards to many amazing charities that work in and around Hungerford. The work they carryout, on a voluntary basis is truly humbling and our annual awards of Grants are a small way of acknowledging their hard work and HTC’s support. A major event was Hungerford’s 80th D-Day Celebrations which was an inspirational weekend for us all. The committee are so grateful to all those who contributed, making it a truly incredible event. HTC was honoured to present a cheque to the Royal British Legion units for £5,950.91, helping all areas of the RBL who do so much to support the armed forces. I remain extremely proud of team Hungerford Town Council.
The councillors are volunteers who give so much time to benefit their community and deliver so many projects. Our office team work so hard, helping councillors to achieve our action plan projects on time and on budget. A special thank you to our maintenance employee Roger Ballard, who does so much to support the council and the many town events.