01488 686195
Welcome to Hungerford Town Council's Website
Our website aims to inform you about the activities of the Council and to invite your comments.
There are 15 volunteer Councillors who are supported by the Town Clerk's team. Full Council meets every month and there are four main committees and the timetable for these is listed in the calendar. Town issues are actively debated and actions taken to try and make life better for the people of Hungerford.
If you have any concerns or issues please contact a Councillor, or contact the Town Council Office.
The Town Council office is situated in the new Library building with automatic doors and is next to Church Street Car Park which has disabled parking.
Office opening hours are:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 2pm
Town Council Office, Hungerford Town Council, The Library, Church Street, Hungerford RG17 0JG
You are welcome to visit us in the office or you can contact us in the following ways:
~ by calling 01488 686195 and leaving a message
~ by email: admin@hungerford-tc.gov.uk
~ via the "Contact Us" page on this website
2023-2024 Meeting Dates
Image Gallery
Following our public consultation which took place in Dec 2022, we are pleased to announce we have proceeded with Design A. Your comments were carefully considered and a few tweaks have been made to produce a final design. See attached.
The Skate Park has been built in place
of the existing one. This is a very
exciting project for the town. It's a modern facility suitable for bikes,
skateboards and scooters and for users of all ages and abilities. We hope you enjoy using it.
The Croft :
Footway Improvements
Thank you to everyone who completed our survey. See below for the survey results and your suggestions for improvements.
Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan - Reg 14 Consultation Responses
Please see links to Regulation 14 Responses to Draft Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan and Regulation 14 Responses to the Strategic Environmental Assessment
Between Friday 16 February and 5pm on Friday 29 March 2024, we are undertaking a Regulation 14 consultation on our DRAFT Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan.
The consultation is now closed.
Here are links to our Draft Neighbourhood Plan and our Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Hungerford Neighbourhood Plan.
An informal consultation to obtain residents views and comments took place in The Corn Exchange building on:
• Wednesday 1st November 2023 upstairs in the Town Hall 2pm to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm
• Saturday 4th November 2023 in the Magistrates Room 10am to Midday
There was also an online consultation which ran until November 13th 2023.
This was your chance to comment on the alternative housing sites and we thank you if you responded.
Please find here the outcome of the consultation Informal Housing Consultation Report
For the background to this you can find the original preferred housing sites in the Housing Sites Informal Consultation document.
For info on why these sites were selected in favour of others please refer to the Draft Site assessment report
The Neighbourhood Plan is making progress. We have a draft text of the Plan and the detailed evaluations of the housing allocations completed.
The Plan covers the whole parish for the period 2024 to 2039 and will be used to plan for Hungerford’s future and determine planning applications alongside the West Berkshire Local Plan.
The Plan Vision
Hungerford sits at the heart of the North Wessex Downs AONB and is treasured for being an historic market town set within beautiful and accessible countryside and waterways.
The residents of Hungerford seek to work together to embrace constructive change that ensures a vibrant, robust and sustainable economy that will enhance their prosperity and provide an affordable and nurturing environment for current and future generations.
This should be achieved whilst conserving Hungerford’s natural and manmade heritage and enhancing its strong sense of being a caring community and a fulfilling place to live.
There are chapters in the Plan under the following headings:
• Housing
• Employment and economy
• Getting about
• Leisure, Wellbeing, Public Safety and Learning
• Our heritage
• Climate change and biodiversity
In each of these there are aims, objectives and proposals.
Housing Site Allocation
The Neighbourhood Plan has to allocate sites to deliver a minimum of 55 dwellings to comply with the West Berkshire Emerging Local Plan. If it doesn’t, then the Emerging Local Plan will do this and the community will have less say over which sites are chosen.
After careful and detailed evaluation of many sites around the town several sites have been identified that represent sustainable and deliverable options.
Way Forward
The main next stages for the Plan are:
• Complete the Draft Plan
• Send this to West Berkshire Council for comments
• Formal six week consultation, early 2024
• Public examination, mid 2024
• Public referendum on the Plan, autumn 2024
Latest Parish News
Police Report
HTC UPDATE December 2024
On the 10th November the whole team were in the town for the Remembrance parade and service. As always this event is well attended by local people showing their respect. PC Marsh laid the wreath this year on behalf of the team
12th November some members of the team along with a representative from Trading Standards spent the morning at the Town Hall with the U3A. We shared a short presentation on scams and various Frauds and took plenty of questions.
13th November as part of VAWG (Violence against women and girls) the team were in the High Street raising awareness, handing out leaflets and answering questions.
On the 14th November as part of Op Sceptre (a national campaign around the dangers of carrying knifes) the team carried out knife sweeps in Hungerford. Thank you to Mayor Helen for joining us.
As December rapidly approaches the team are looking forward to the annual Christmas light switch, the Extravaganza and the festivities that this time of the year brings.
For the month of November
2 reports of ASB.
2 reports of Criminal damage. Both of these relate to separate incidents of car tyres being slashed.
Sometime overnight 24th-25th a van parked on the High Street was broken into and a number of tools were stolen. If anyone witnessed anything or has any information please get in touch quoting crime number: 43240569855. There continues to be a spate of van breaks across West Berkshire. We will look to hold some tool marking events in the town soon.
The Team
The current set up of the Hungerford and Downlands Neighbourhood Police Team is 1 x Inspector, 1 x Sergeant, 3 x Police Constables and 4 x Police Community Support Officers.
The team are contactable by email but this should not be used in an emergency or for reporting crime as it is not monitored 24/7.
Please keep reporting incidents to us via 101, the TVP website (www.thamesvalley.police.uk) or 999, in an emergency.
NOTE: There is a difference in the crime figures in this report compared to those on the Police website This is because the team are only giving figures in the report for crimes relevant to the neighbourhood area (e.g. Car crime, ASB related, criminal damage) crimes that effect the community and relevant to the neighbourhood policing team. They are not including any domestic related assaults, domestic assaults, crimes within the same households because these crimes are irrelevant to the neighbourhood team and do not generally affect others living in the area.
Penny Post
Links for the latest editions of Penny Post's coverage for Hungerford Town Council Click Here