Hungerford in Bloom 2024

Hungerford Town Council is delighted to announce that Hungerford in Bloom 2024 competition is now open, and we invite entries from residents, community groups, and businesses to showcase their beautiful gardens and floral displays.

The competition has various categories for different types of gardens, whether large or small. Participants can get creative and enhance the town’s aesthetics with their green thumbs!

The contest is free to enter and you can enter up to two categories (not including the ‘Newcomer’ category), providing you meet the entry criteria.

The deadline for entries is 5pm on Friday, June 21st and Judging Day will be Saturday, 6th July.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places in each category. This year we are dedicating the award of the Margaret Wilson Cup to the most eco-friendly entry.

To enter, please contact HTC for an Entry Form on:

• 01488 686195 Hungerford Town Council



• collect a copy from HTC Office, The Library, Church Street, Hungerford.

We look forward to receiving your entry forms

Notice Date: 21/06/2024